Saturday, October 3, 2009

Good Blog about Self-Defense and Personal Protection from Los Angeles.

When Celebrities Get Attacked…

So “allegedly” when a certain superstar hits his superstar girlfriend in the face so she can’t be seen in public, it’s supposed to be ok??? Hmmm… The two people that would have made the Grammy’s a much more interesting show seem to be inexplicably absent.

When I hear about things like this going on, I just shake my head. I really chuckle to myself when celebrities think they don’t need to learn how to protect themselves against violent attacks because they think their bodyguards are always going to be around to protect them

The 3 “P’s” of Self Defense - Part 1

"Personal, Property, and Psychological. There, you have them. Have a nice day. Hmmmmm…. I wish it were that simple, but unfortunately there is always something more to things than meets the eye. In reality based self defense there are always variables and circumstances that cause shifts in the way that situations must be dealt with. They are all dealt with by way of advanced techniques in my book. As most of you know, I believe first and foremost that you must learn how to physically defend yourself. Then, from there, everything else is just added personal protection for yourself and your family."

What happened to the “Martial” in Martial Arts???

"Something happened during the 70’s when the landslide of Asian action flicks hit “Saturday afternoon and the movies.” And since then it has only gotten worse. Don’t get me wrong, as most of you know, I love martial arts movies. But what I love about them is the choreography and fantasy of the art of fighting. The problem is, there are way too many people that think that is the way they should train for a fight out there in the real big bad world."

Okinawa : berceau du Karaté – Trailer

Voici la bande-annonce (trailer) du documentaire produit par Imagin’ Arts et réalisé par Lionel Froidure.

Un voyage dans le berceau du karaté avec de grands maîtres de Goju-Ryu (sensei Choyo Kiyuna), Shorin-Ryu (sensei Minoru Higa) et Ueshi-Ryu (Kiohide Shinjo).

Ce documentaire est destiné en premier aux chaînes de télévision puis une édition DVD verra le jour. (Peut être fin 2010)
Here is a link toward En Terre Martiale blog where you can read all the details about that unique journey in Okinawa.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Training Tips.

You are too busy to go train for any reason. You can keep your shape up by following the simple training tips from these two videos.